Digital Storytelling is a tool that helps to create and build communities through sharing individual and collective experiences. The simple act of listening to a person’s story can personalize otherwise seemingly abstract theories and policies. In June of 2013, Community United Against Police Reform released a series of short documentaries that highlight the impact of stop-and-frisk on ordinary citizens and communities in New York City. These stories take us beyond the charts and numbers on stop-and-frisk and give us an honest look at the personal experiences resulting from a political action.
Stop and Frisk: The Police Officer
Stop-And-Frisk: The High School Senior
Get Involved
Do you have a personal story that you want to share related to social justice and stop-and frisk? Or, do you want help telling your own story? JustPublics@365 is collecting digital stories related to stop-and-frisk and we would love to hear your voice. If you are interested, please contact Morgane Richardson at [email protected] with the subject line, “Stop-and-Frisk Digital Storytelling.”
Be Informed. Stay Updated.
For more information on creating your own digital story, take a look at:
How did they make that? by Miriam Posner
The New Storytelling by Bryan Alexander
This post is part of the JustPublics@365 Monthly Social Justice Topic Series on Stop-and-Frisk.